Memoirs of an American in Japan

What can I say, I must be a little mad. I am packing up my bags and moving 5,500 miles away from all my family and friends to a little country called Japan. Some call me crazy, and some call me adventurous, but I am ready for the experience of a lifetime...

Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

On my second tour of teaching abroad, this time teaching Kindergarten in the Abu Dhabi desert.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Children-what fickle creatures they are

Children are funny things. Last week they were little devils running around the class not listening and going crazy, no control what so ever and I came soooo close to walking out the door about 40 times. And I could ate about a pound of chocolate everyday when I got home from school. I blame it all on Friday the 13th!!

But this week... they have been little angels and I love them all dearly and I have literally only wanted to walk out the door once. It may help that several of the kids are sick and 2-4 have been absent each day, but I feel I have had total control over the class all week. IT'S BEEN GREAT! We'll see what next week will bring.....

Halloween is in 7 school days, we are trick-or-treating in Japan-who knew. One of the kids told me I should be a mouse for Halloween, I'm not sure what that means, hmmm.
I do need some ideas so if you think of any let me know. I am not going to be a blond witch, tried that one out already, check out the picture: to be added later...


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