Memoirs of an American in Japan

What can I say, I must be a little mad. I am packing up my bags and moving 5,500 miles away from all my family and friends to a little country called Japan. Some call me crazy, and some call me adventurous, but I am ready for the experience of a lifetime...

Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

On my second tour of teaching abroad, this time teaching Kindergarten in the Abu Dhabi desert.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Hump Day

OHHH, how I hate Wednesdays, especially rainy Wednesdays. And today was a rainy hump day-the worst kind of day. The kids were CRAZY all day cause they couldn't go run all thier energy off outside. Oh, and its not a real hump day (we had this arguement on the bike ride home from work) since we only have a 4 day week. Monday was a National Holiday-guess why we had the day off-National Sports Day-only in Japan do you get a day off from work for celebrating sports-reason #63 as to why I love this country!!!

THANK GOD HUMP DAY IS OVER (for this week anyway)!!!

P.S. For those of you wondering, Wednesdays are called Hump Days because the are smack dab in the middle of the week. Weekend rest has warn off by then, and you still have two more days to go before the weekend-meaning there is no reason to look forward to a Wednesday : ) therefore its the hump day (think bell curve).


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