Memoirs of an American in Japan

What can I say, I must be a little mad. I am packing up my bags and moving 5,500 miles away from all my family and friends to a little country called Japan. Some call me crazy, and some call me adventurous, but I am ready for the experience of a lifetime...

Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

On my second tour of teaching abroad, this time teaching Kindergarten in the Abu Dhabi desert.

Monday, September 04, 2006

A shoot out to the Japanese toilet(s)

I have only been here for a week, but I have certainly seen a fair share of the Japanese toilets. The Japanese do things their way in everything they do and that certainly applies to their toilets. I decided to write this post because a friend thought it was funny that the first picture I sent her was of the toilet in my bathroom-and thinking back on it that probably was a odd first picture to send. Since being in Japan I have seen at least 10 different variations of the toilet. Back at home we have the basic 2, the regular toilet and the port-o-pottie (there are varies degrees of cleanliness but more or less they are the same) but here in Japan not only do you have the basic western toilet like you see every where in the states, you have toilets with sinks on top (my apartment-see pic) and water rushes out of the sink when you flush so you can wash your hands (don't worry the water is clean-it fills the toilet once its been flushed), holes in the ground where you have to pop-a-squat (a memory I would like to forget) and it flushes away, then you have the holes in the ground that don't flush (sort of like the western port-o-pottie), then you have the high tech ones that spray your bottom with the push of a button and can warm your tushie on those long cold winter days (I've heard are quite wonderful around December). Before coming to Japan I have never really thought much about the toilet-but only here would there be such a variety-a little old world meets high tech world.


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