Japanese Thanksgivings
How many people can say they have had two Thanksgivings in Japan in two days?? I can :)
Thanksgiving #1

On Wednesday we had a Thanksgiving at my school. Each class prepared a dish and then the entire school ate Thanksgiving dinner together in my classroom (and it was a MESS afterwards). The three year class made fruit salad and mashed the potatoes, my class made the best pumpkin pie ever (and you can find pumpkin pie filling in Japan quite easily!), 5 year class made cornbread and the 6 year class peeled potatoes, made the chicken (yes, that is chicken-apparently in Japan you don't see turkeys running across the roads and prairies so it is quite hard to get a turkey), and stuffing. It was quite the feast!! Although I have to say it was a bit odd and absolutely adorable watching some of the kiddoes eat their Thanksgiving dinner with chopsticks:

Thanksgiving #2
The party
Well, being in Japan on Thanksgiving I decided to throw my own Thanksgiving for all my friends/co-workers, all of which have never been to a real Thanksgiving-3 Aussies and 4 Japanese (except Miho who lived in Cali for a year). Luckily, Thursday in Japan was Labor Day so we had the day off-YEAH!! (unfortunately we did not get Friday off, so we didn't get a day to recover or shop) This was quite a major partaking on my part since I have never throw a party like this before. I decided to cook chicken (read above), mash potatoes, green bean casserole (thanks mom and dad for sending the ingredients-it was a hit), and pumpkin pie. I woke up at 9:45 to start cooking, my roommate woke up around 10-saying she heard me banging around into eh kitchen by myself. Lizzie was great, she is a master chef and I probably would not have been able to pull this off without her (especially the chicken). It went very well, the food was YUMMY, and despite a minor crises with the pumpkin pie it went quite smoothly. It was declared a success by all-including those who threatened to have Pizza Hut on speed dial in case my food turned out to be a flop. I must declare it was quite fun putting this together and may put another dinner together.
The feast

The thief-Megumi's 15 month old son who keep taking all the food off my shelves-absolutely adorable
Thanksgiving #1

On Wednesday we had a Thanksgiving at my school. Each class prepared a dish and then the entire school ate Thanksgiving dinner together in my classroom (and it was a MESS afterwards). The three year class made fruit salad and mashed the potatoes, my class made the best pumpkin pie ever (and you can find pumpkin pie filling in Japan quite easily!), 5 year class made cornbread and the 6 year class peeled potatoes, made the chicken (yes, that is chicken-apparently in Japan you don't see turkeys running across the roads and prairies so it is quite hard to get a turkey), and stuffing. It was quite the feast!! Although I have to say it was a bit odd and absolutely adorable watching some of the kiddoes eat their Thanksgiving dinner with chopsticks:

Thanksgiving #2

Well, being in Japan on Thanksgiving I decided to throw my own Thanksgiving for all my friends/co-workers, all of which have never been to a real Thanksgiving-3 Aussies and 4 Japanese (except Miho who lived in Cali for a year). Luckily, Thursday in Japan was Labor Day so we had the day off-YEAH!! (unfortunately we did not get Friday off, so we didn't get a day to recover or shop) This was quite a major partaking on my part since I have never throw a party like this before. I decided to cook chicken (read above), mash potatoes, green bean casserole (thanks mom and dad for sending the ingredients-it was a hit), and pumpkin pie. I woke up at 9:45 to start cooking, my roommate woke up around 10-saying she heard me banging around into eh kitchen by myself. Lizzie was great, she is a master chef and I probably would not have been able to pull this off without her (especially the chicken). It went very well, the food was YUMMY, and despite a minor crises with the pumpkin pie it went quite smoothly. It was declared a success by all-including those who threatened to have Pizza Hut on speed dial in case my food turned out to be a flop. I must declare it was quite fun putting this together and may put another dinner together.

The thief-Megumi's 15 month old son who keep taking all the food off my shelves-absolutely adorable
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