Memoirs of an American in Japan

What can I say, I must be a little mad. I am packing up my bags and moving 5,500 miles away from all my family and friends to a little country called Japan. Some call me crazy, and some call me adventurous, but I am ready for the experience of a lifetime...

Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

On my second tour of teaching abroad, this time teaching Kindergarten in the Abu Dhabi desert.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Weekend with the Takeyama Family and other little tidbits

Are you shocked??? Two postings in 2 weeks :) I have more time on my hands this year, wahoo no summer school for me, yes!
I guess I'll start off with my weekend with the Takeyama family. I had an amazing time last weekend. They picked me up at my apartment at 7pm Sat. night and I didn't get home till 5 the next night. I had Haruka in my summer school class at KIS last year (she is 4, her brother Kouhei is 3). Tomoko, Haruka's mom and I became good friends last summer. So when I told Tomoko I was coming back for 2 months she invited me to stay at their house for the weekend. It is very rare for Japanese to invited you to there home for any reason, so I felt very honored (Japanese would rather entertain in a restaurant because the houses are so small).
They picked me up at my apartment and took me back to their "mansion", mansion in Japan means luxury apartment, kinda like a penthouse in the States. It was very nice, their house even talks to you, which caught me a bit off guard the first time. For instance, when the bath is done it tells you the water is ready, then shuts it off cool is that. Oh, right getting off track...they picked me up and when we got to their place they made Shabu Shabu, sooo oishi! Shabu shabu is a Japanese soup, you put vegetables into a boiling broth and then you have your own plate of beef and pork. You place a piece of meat in one at a time and swish it back and forth while saying shabu shabu (although they may have been pulling my leg on that one, haha).
On Sunday we went to Toyota to made some traditional Japanese paper fans and then went to the onsen (ohhh, the onsen how I have missed thee-we need them in the US, on second thought hmmm maybe not). Over all, it was a wonderful weekend, and it's amazing how big Haruka and Kouhei have grown in a year. They are just as cheeky and crazy as they were last year, but now just bigger and louder :) I feel lucky to be able to get an inside peek at how a Japanese family lives, and for the Anthropologist in me that was interesting. But it was also really fun to have a girls night and hang out with Tomoko (when the kids and her husband went to bed) drink some sake and talk about our cultures and lives.

The Takeyama family and me

So... what other news is there to tell y'all

*it's rainy season and its raining every freakin day, and I can feel the humidity starting to creep it's way in, grrr-that also means typhoon season is coming....

*We had a minor earthquake the other night around midnight, I was about to go to bed when my computer started shaking, I Aimed Char and she felt it too. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy, but I definitely did not get a good nights sleep that night expecting the real earthquake at any moment... (FYI, the BIG one is supposed to hit Nagoya at any moment-so that didn't help me fall asleep that night-it even has a name-Tokai Earthquake if your interested)

*I did another Brenda :) involving a broken glass bottle of Alfredo sauce (miraculously none ended up in my backpack) and bikes falling over left and right in front of the cheap shop...oops, I never learn


Blogger Unknown said...

SOOOO does the bath tub talk to you in Japanese? B/c then how do you know it's saying the bath is done, how do you know it's not saying "watch out the water is 105 degrees?" Just curious.

10:54 AM  

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