I can't believe it has almost been a month since I last blogged. Spring has left and with it so has my sanity. It is now full-fledge summer and I am sweating like a pig. It is sooo hot and humid and it is only June. I am not looking forward to August. Also with this weather is rainy season and the bugs. Oh how I hate bugs, especially cockroaches and I have found 3 in my apartment in the past week-eghhhh.
Time sure flies by when your having fun. So I guess I shall start with the company trip.
Goaishio-Company Trip
The company I work for (Education Network) decided to have thier first company trip ever this spring. We all climbed into a tiny bus and drove off to the mountians in the Mie prefecture The next prefecture over-I'm in Aichi, (sort of like states) We went to this cute little town way up in the mountians and stayed in a beautiful ryokan (Japanese style hotel) that looked like a castle. Lizzie, Charrissa, Kimiko and I stayed in the Royal Suite-because we are princess :)

View from our suite-BEAUTIFUL!!!

Our dinner-sooo much food-presented Japanese style
The food was very Japanese and interesting, You will be absolutely shocked to hear what I tried. I had...ready...squid, sushi, octopus, salmon, sea urchin, fish eggs. I am very proud of myself but I can honestly say it is not something I will start eating on a regular basis. There was also all you can drink which contributed to the games were played during dinner. We were split up into four teams, each team lead by one of the foreigners. My team got 2nd place-go Snow White (in Japanese)

Eating dinner in our ryoken issued yukatas
One of the many games-coworkers trying to be monkeys

Our hotel from the ropeway
The next day we took the ropeway to the top of the mountians to see the gorgeous view. And this is what we got...

Yep thats right, it was sooo foggy and rainy couldn't see a thing. Grrrrr-spoiled again, thats twice I've been duped a beautiful view (other time was in the Swiss Alps)
All in all it was a great trip. We really got to know each other very well, maybe a bit too well-haha. All I can say is Japanese company trips are sooo funny and much different then American company trips (not that i would know-but I'm guessing).
Naomi and I decided to do a day trip to Inuyama a few weekends ago. It is this beautiful, traditional Japanese town with the oldest standing castle in Japan. It was veyr cute with its old Japanese style charm

Inuyama Castle-one of the best castles I have visited in Japan
Look its me!!! On the top level of Inuyama castle
Nagashima Spalands
The following day Lizzie, Charrissa, Naomi and I went to the Amusement Park in Nagashima. It is notorious for the 3rd tallest rollar coaster in the world: Steal Dragon. And the only word that comes to mind is AWESOME!!!! Such a fun, crazy, fast, high. The view was beautiful from the top, as Charrissa was freaking out next to me I was enjoying the beautiful view of the ocean on one side and Nagoya, the river and the mountians on the other-haha and all I could say to Charrissa to comfort her was "look at the pretty view"
The Steal Dragon

View of Nagashima Spaland from the Ferris Wheel

Look!!! Japan and USA flying high next to each other
P.S. All the rumors are true. I am coming home in August. Mark your calendar: August 23rd. If anyone knows any Elementary teaching jobs; keep me posted :)
P.S.S NOW I'm finally all caught up-arn't you proud